Monday, November 10, 2008

Unit 3 Study Guide

The Unit 3 Test will be on Friday, November 14.  Don't forget, you can earn up to 3 extra credit points on your test if you turn in your Tessellation project on Friday!

1. Please know the definitions of the following:

Acute Angles - less than 90 degrees

Right Angles - 90 degrees exactly

Obtuse Angles - greater than 90 degrees, less than 180 degrees

Reflex Angles - greater than 180 degrees

Adjacent Angles - angles that are "next" to each other, they share a side and a vertex

Opposite/Vertical Angles - When two lines intersect, four angles are formed. The angles opposite each other are called vertical or opposite angles.

Polygons - closed figures with straight sides

Triangles - polygon with 3 sides and 3 angles

Equilateral triangle - 3 equal sides

Isosceles triangle - at least 2 equal sides

Scalene triangle - no equal sides

Quadrangle - polygon with 4 angles, same as a quadrilateral, which is a polygon with 4 sides and angles

Pentagon - polygon with 5 sides and angles

Hexagon - polygon with 6 sides and angles

Octagon - polygon with 8 sides and angles

Parallel lines - lines that run side by side and never meet

Congruent - having the same exact size and shape

2. Be able to tell how some polygons are alike and how they are different.

3. Be able to measure angles with a protractor.

4. Be able to draw and label adjacent angles.

5. Be able to draw each type of triangle: equilateral, isosceles, and scalene.

6. Be able to use your template to make a tessellation.

7. Know place value from hundredths place to hundred millions place.

___ ___ ___, ___ _______, ___ ___ ___ . ___ ___

8. Be able to multiply multiples of 10.

300 * 4000 = _____ 50 * 800 = _____

27,000 = 90 * _____ 300,000 = 6000 * _____

9. Find the maximum, minimum, range, mode, and median of a set of data.

24, 32, 36, 27, 24, 40, 34, 38

maximum ____ minimum ____ range ____ mode _____

median _____

10. Know that the three angles of a triangle have a sum of 180 degrees and that the four angles of a quadrilateral have a sum of 360 degrees.